A tanned skin is the final touch that you will give to your body to compete. The tan is achieved thanks to a special dye for culturist that darkens the skin, and give it a satin effect with the application of a glossy gel that is applied with the tanning dye minutes before competition.

A tanned skin highlight the muscular shape and definition of athletes, and give them a sculptured look. The process of dyeing process cannot be taken lightly, since there are some parameters that you must fulfil so your skin has a perfect finished and in order to avoid problems of breach of the rules. In this post we will give you a complete guide in which take you step by step to your perfect dyed.

Before start, we need to review the normative of the IFBB regarding to tanning:

  • Is not allowed tanning products that can be removed by sliding the hand. If the tan of a competitor presents this problem, they won’t be allowing to compete.
  • The tan has to be natural.
  • Common auto-tannings, just like products with glitter, metalized effect or pearled are forbidden.

Since you have understood the rules, let’s forward to the process of preparation of your skin, so you can apply evenly the dye and the effect is showier:

  •  2 or 3 weeks before: is recommended that you exfoliate when your skin is dry with anticipation, to eliminate dead cells that prevent the maximum abortion of the dye and prevent patches.

With a brush to exfoliate, preferably with natural bristles and long handle, make circular movements all over your body from bottom to top. Put attention to the knees, elbows, hands and talons, that are the more likely dried areas. Repeat exfoliation once per week.

cepillo para exfoliar

  • 1 week before: we are sure that skin hydration is a beauty task that must be done daily, but the week before your competition must be a priority, since it will allow your skin to take the colour shape of your partner when you apply the tan. Combines the exfoliation with the daily hydration so you can have an optimum skin to absorb the tan. Look for hydrant creams with emollients ingredients like karite butter, and jojoba oil for a maximum hydration.
  • 2 days before: In this point stop using hydrants so the product can adhere good to the skin and absorb it better. Also suspend the use of deodorants and perfumes, since when it enters contact with the tan can alter the colours.
  • 1 day before competition: At first hour of the morning take a shower and exfoliate your skin. With dry skin and free of hair, apply the first layer in the afternoon or the noon with the help of a sponge roller anti-drip for painting, that you can get in any hardware store.

You have to pass smoothly the roller with the tan in all the corners of your body, so having someone that helps you is very important to reach hard zones and making sure that you are all covered. Place a fabric in the ground on which stay stationary and use gloves to avoid stains.

  • Let pass 15-20 minutes before apply the next layer, try to pay attention to the clearer zones, so that all the areas of your skin are homogeneous. After the application, wear loose clothing that does not leave marks, sleeping with old sheets is also advisable.
  • The day of the competition: applies the third layer first thing in the morning, or before going to the weighing if it is the same day of the competition. If you need to take a shower remember to do it with only water, do not use soap or lotions or deodorants, and wait to be completely dry and without moisture before applying the tan.
  • After weighing or mid-morning, it would be time to apply up to a fourth coat if necessary.

It is advisable to apply at least 3 layers of product, but this will depend on the colour of your skin and the quality of the product chosen. In any case, do not be afraid to apply as many layers as necessary, until you get the desired tone.

Already with a few minutes to compete, apply a thin layer of flossy gel to get the perfect finish. You should apply it with a roller other than the tan or with the hands, put it alone in the specific areas that you want to highlight, with a little is enough to make your skin look flawless on stage.

Other considerations:

  • If you shave with wax, do it 4 or 5 days before applying the tan. Irritated skin will prevent the colour from spreading evenly and may lead to adverse reactions. If you shave, do so at least 8 hours in advance.
  • If you do not want to put tan on your face, use a dark base that matches the colour of your body.
  • The tan can last in your skin between 3 and 10 days, depending on the product, your skin type and sweating.
  • The rollers are cleaned by washing them with water and allowing them to dry completely before the next use. It is best that you use a pair during a season of competitions and buy new ones the next, since the sponge gets stiff if not used for a long time.

Since you know everything about the art of tinting, in Mussa we are sure that you will wear a tanned skin that will highlight your body in a spectacular way. If you have some extra tip for tinting Share it with us in the comments!

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