The number of athletes competing in Bikini Fitness continues to increase each season, which makes competitions increasingly demanding.

If you are preparing to compete, surely you are already federated, you have a physical trainer, you follow a diet, and you train very hard to be incredible when you get on the stage.

But, although it may seem ironic, there are more things to take care of besides your physical training.

Today we are going to talk about something that is often forgotten in Bikini Fitness competitions: the mise en scène on the stage.

It is essential, because it has a lot of weight in the final classification, as you will see.

👩🏻‍⚖️ What is valued in a Bikini Fitness competition.

As you know, Bikini Fitness is a female sports discipline, which especially values:

  • the body’s general lines,
  • balance and proportions,
  • toning and
  • healthy appearance

That is, although it does not forget the spirit of bodybuilding, the goal is not very muscular bodies, but natural, beautiful, and proportionate.

But it must also be said that in a competition they also influence (and much) other more subjective factors, such as the hairstyle, accessories, security, and plasticity of the athlete when it comes to showing her physique … The athlete with the best physique does not always win!

Therefore, we will explain 5 mistakes that many athletes make in the Bikini Fitness competition stages.

Slips that can spoil with all the time and work you have spent in your physical preparation.

⚠️ The mistakes you should avoid on the platform of any Bikini Fitness competition

If you compete in Bikini Fitness, every day is marked by your training. Both your diet and your physical activity are focused on arriving in the best possible state on the day of the competitions: in just a few minutes, you must show the judges the long-time work.

To impress them at that time, you must show your best and try to hide your weaknesses so that they go unnoticed to the judges.

If you don’t do this part well, all that sacrifice you have made over such a long time will be in vain.

NOTE: if you are thinking about competing in Bikini Fitness, but you don’t know where to start, download our guide with everything you need to know for be ready to compete in this sport.

#1 Believe that you only compete when you are on the comparison line

There is no single peak moment: you are competing since you put the first foot on the stage until you leave it.

Keep your focus until the end, because you can be adding or subtracting points at any time, not only when you are on the comparison line.

Your attitude is critical and has a significant influence on what you transmit to the judges. It is as simple as comparing two equal physicists, but one accompanied by a beautiful smile and the other serious. Which one would you choose?

#2 Show insecurity and stiffness in your movements.

Something so decisive that it is even included in the Bikini Fitness regulations:

Personality, charm, charisma, and self-confidence are part of your final score.

If you convey insecurity and nervousness, especially in a prestigious competition, you will look bad, and the judges will notice it.

Therefore, dedicate time to your mental training, to learn to enjoy being on stage and shine showing everything good in you when you are on the stage

#3 Relax after you’ve been compared.

Do you think that once they have compared you, everything has already ended?

Big mistake, it’s the worst time to relax!

In many cases, the differences in a comparison are minimal, so it is common for judges to have doubts between several athletes at the end of it.

To finish it off, they will look again to the athletes with whom they have doubts, and your attitude at that moment can make a difference.

If you relax and are more aware of the friends who are watching you compete than the final result, you can miss your advantage.

#4 Neglect your image.

You already know that the combination, bikini, dye, hairstyle, accessories, and makeup are vitally important.

Many Bikini Fitness athletes compare that day with their own wedding. And, like a bride, all the people in your environment will tell you that you are amazing, gorgeous, brutal … Even if you are not (Who dares to say to a bride that she is not beautiful on her wedding day?).

Try to analyze this point objectively at the end of the competition. Review photos and videos and analyze how you look on stage and with the rest of the competitors.

There are many athletes that, when they find the right image, look totally different, and of course, that greatly influences the result.

#5 Focus your attention only on the chief judge.

Often the athletes are during their entire posing with their eyes fixed on the primary judge of the competition, but … the primary judge does not score!

Distribute your looks and gestures among the entire panel of judges, involve them in your performance. You must manage to convey emotion and passion on stage to get attention and get everyone to notice you.

Don’t forget: the winning formula includes personality, charm, charisma, and self-confidence.

💡 Remember these tips when you’re on a Bikini Fitness stage

As you can see, none of these points talk about your physique.

Your body is what you work all year in the gym and what everyone will talk about when the competition ends.

Yes, sure that more than once, you said that “I have a better physique than those in front of me.”

You know that in Bikini Fitness, there are many more factors in the final classification than the physical one you showed.

Now you play with an advantage 😉 because we have told you 5 things that almost nobody talks about, and that can completely modify the competition’s result.

Juan B. Morales
Owner of TC10
Accredited person of IFBB Internacional